A total of 59 new species of plants and insects were recorded last year in Glasgow creating hope that urban biodiversity is increasing.

A species of caddisfly and a rare Yellow Bird's-nest plant, a parasitic plant classed as rare in Scotland, were among the new arrivals.

Councillor Angus Millar, Glasgow Convener for Climate, said: "The discovery of 59 new species in the city and River Clyde catchment area is really exciting and significant news.

"It proves that environmental work being done by the council in the city is assisting nature’s recovery and attract a wider array of insects and other wildlife.

“Greening up the city also helps people by reducing the impact of global warming. Trees help reduce air pollution and flooding while also providing shade in hotter summers. 

"Being surrounded by nature is good for our physical and mental wellbeing and it is also visually appealing."

The new discoveries reflect the Glasgow City Council's successful environmental initiatives such as designating more Local Nature Reserves which cover 82 hectares of land, planting wildflowers, trees, and managing grassland better for pollinators and other insects. 

The council declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency in May 2019 and implemented plans focusing on enhancing the city's biodiversity.

Under these plans, staff planted 250,00 daffodils, 22,260 bulbs and 16,500 wildflower plugs last year in locations including the central reservation on Great Western Road. 

Other new arrivals include the Orache moth, Haw Goblet fungi, the shiny green Oedemera lurida beetle and the Cryptachaea blattea spider.

The Orache moth has only been recorded to be seen at the Hamiltonhill Claypits Local Nature Reserve in Scotland.

The council is planting 18 million trees and hedges across Glasgow City Region to create new woodland and wildlife habitats by 2030.

Glasgow Museums are encouraging people to send in records of the plants and animals they see in the city as it help experts understand the health of wildlife in Glasgow.

The council is also using its greenspaces to tackle loneliness and social isolation by offering people volunteering opportunities to meet like-minded people and get involved with nature restoration. 

To find out more, go to http://tinyurl.com/57f4966u.