Two Glasgow businessmen are bidding to reopen a vital community hub.

The brothers are working with Glasgow City Council to possibly take over Ruchill Community Centre, which has been closed since 2020.

It was shut when the pandemic started and locals have been campaigning ever since to reverse the decision.

Last July, it was revealed that £650,000 is needed to carry out repairs which would allow the reopening.

Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times: Campaigners, November 2023Campaigners, November 2023 (Image: Colin Mearns, Newsquest)

Now, the local men requested an asset transfer through the People Make Glasgow Communities programme with the aim of opening doors again.

Since then, they have met with council officials, who are advising them on different options on ownership.

One businessman said: “We want to support and help the community council with opening it back up to what it used to do before, which is looking after the community.

“There were classes there for the kids, parents, pensioners or whoever needs it.

“It had a pivotal role, it provided as space for people to go to and gave them something to do, attend.

“Without it, the community had now become disjointed.

“They seemed to be lost and bored.

“We also planned a satellite surgery for doctors because, in this whole area, there is nothing.

“Patients have to travel to Maryhill or Possilpark."

The entrepreneurs said the process has been slow but they are hopeful they can give back to the community by reopening the asset.

They hope to take ownership and stop the building from possibly being converted into a retail space.

The man said: “The only sole purpose of this would be to use it as a community centre.

“We are part of the local fabric here, we have spent most of our lives.

“The way they handled the community centre so far is pure neglect and now it's slowly rotting away.

“But there is no reason for it to be like this."

Glasgow Times:

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The pair hope to induce change in what they say is an overlooked area of the city.

He added: “There has been a lot of discrimination from the council against Ruchill.

“The funding is going to Maryhill, Possilpark, Cadder, Milton. All around the area bar Ruchill.

“We get absolutely nothing.

“But in other areas, they seem to find the funding, resources and expertise."

A Glasgow City Council spokesperson has confirmed that officials are working with the group and aim to support them through the process, as they are the only interested party.

They also said the North Glasgow area is not discriminated against.